Monday, April 5, 2010

3rd Annual Tunnel of Oppression this Week!

In cooperation with UAB, Amnesty International, and the Peace Over Prejudice Campaign, your are cordially invited to attend a very unique annual event at MSU called

"The Tunnel of Oppression"

This is a theatrical look into the real-life experiences of oppression in their many forms.

It will be held on Wednesday, April 7th, 2010 in MSU Union Ballroom at three different showing times (6:00pm, 7:00pm and 8pm).

During this event, audience members witness a series of short student-written and performed monologues and skits addressing the many different forms of oppression and discrimination that exist in our society. Some of the critical issues we address this year include Sexism, Homophobia, Body Image, Genocide, Socio-Economic Inequality, and more. Contact Zain Shamoon @ if you have any questions or concerns

Ending the discrimination and hate that exists in our world today is a duty for each and every one of us. In order to better understand the oppressed, we must hear their stories, and feel their experiences for ourselves.

Come. See. Hear. Feel.